I’d like to eat at this table.

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The guest list: Linda’s husband captain bob sounds absolutely riveting 👍 yes.. I love scary ocean stories...

second when I read the Hannibal king my wig flipped. I immediately question who let me in here 😆

And the last bit made have let’s actual physical response. I guess I have to Google this king, but I feel I know enough.. I’m good! I’m also vegan if any kings ask! Just to sit side causation. I’m skipping that dinner... 😆

However your son, is hilarious and I’d probably be a horrid influence and be like I love your Cinnabons 😂 or out film, ya know the one we are making... no offense don’t ask people what their doing with their lives? It’s a horrible question, I mean I’m not eating babies... although next time he should totally through in that he wants to be a pirate, and then him and Linda’s husband captain bob could do a fight scene, and of course we could film it! 🫶

Great writing, proper order with ending with high jinx.. I love the collection. It’s gorgeous. ✨✨✨

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Ok first of all can you see us when we can see you? That’s the kind of thing you gotta tell a lady before she’s ya know in America doing inappropriate things probably while watching? Thanks

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Ok first I’ve only watched the first video and I have a feeling David hicks would have hated me! Like flowers all colors all popping up. 😆 I didn’t know that plate was a tortoise pattern for example.. I thought perhaps it was a leopard 🐆 or something... this is why I come... I’m a mix and match kinda girl! I love the use my own ferns! Great idea! I also am lucky to have plenty of outdoor space. It’s everything you said. 💫

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Jul 13, 2023·edited Jul 13, 2023Liked by India Hicks

You seriously remind me of my top model mother who looked like and was of the generation of Briget Bardot and who as a wonderful cook who created delightful atmospheres for entertainment of the rich, rare, beautiful london set and ordinary lovely people who had civility. She would have loved your setting, and you. As children growing up in a 13 bedroom mansion on 70 acres in Hertfordshire as poor as church mice, (a 15 year lease as a 'returning home from Canada' gift from a wealthy stepfather), we witnessed her skill in creating delicious wonders out of seemingly nothing, my fathers kitchen garden was key as was the chest freezer! Feeding hoardes of friends and family, it wouldn't be unusual to have 15-20 under that roof over a weekend in the summer. Living in her latter years in Somerset with a pier de teré in London she delighted in the company of gracious souls in her opulence in later life but never lost that skill of simple living, conversation and heartfelt kinship that was a familliar fragrance of her beauty, inside and out.

Thank you for the memories India, so many hillarious stories!

Joy to you and your beautiful family, blessings from Tipperary Ireland, really only a hop skip and a jump aross the pond from you.


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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Liked by India Hicks

Each year, we have a big party and invite everyone in the neighborhood -whether or not we know them. It's always a bit of a risk, and a magical evening as someone always unexpected and unknown shows up. One year it was a retired roadie for rock bands, another year it was someone who walks the hills, but no one could place where precisely he lived, all we got was a nod in a general direction. This year, he showed up at a neighbor's 4th of July party with 100 bbq legs to cook! Again, he disappeared, and no one is sure if he lives in a mansion or in the local park. Anyway, I'd gladly sit next to Captain Bob!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by India Hicks

I think the day when cannibals are welcome dinner or conversation companions are coming to a close.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by India Hicks

Dear India , I hope you are well & in good health . You look a little sad & you sound out of breath in the video .

Kindly , Wanda Sobran

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by India Hicks

Look forward to seeing the new collection! And love your dinner stories!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by India Hicks

Looks most inviting!

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Not that we would have been invited dinner guests…lol…but seeing this made me pine to be back in Briland. ❤️

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You are so beautiful and inspiring. My dachshund lived to be 18, so your story really brought back memories of her, you never forget how special they are, and a very stoic breed for sure. Your thoughts are always appreciated, even if they make me cry.

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